Email Marketing - 電郵推廣 - 電郵廣告

Hong Kong Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance
Office of the Telecommunications Authority
The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance ("the UEMO") has fully commenced on 22 December 2007. Now, senders of commercial electronic messages are required:

1) to provide clear and accurate sender information in the message;
2) to provide an unsubscribe facility and an unsubscribe facility statement in the message;
3) to honour unsubscribe requests within ten (10) working days after the request has been sent;
4) not to send email messages with misleading subject headings.

In addition, the UEMO also prohibits:
1) the use of unscrupulous techniques to expand the reach of commercial electronic messages; and
2) fraud and other illicit activities related to the sending of multiple commercial electronic messages.

The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance - An Industry Guide

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